Axinom Mosaic Logo

Axinom Mosaic

Building blocks for content-first backends.

Build/Buy Dilemma Icon

Standardized or customized

The platform fulfills the media, aerospace, and mobility needs by providing a hybrid approach between build and buy, enabling companies to develop, customize, and expand their infrastructure in-house.

Modern Technology Stack Icon

Modern technology stack

Mosaic embraces service-oriented architecture based on the microservices and micro-frontends. Its modern technology stack consists of Node.js, React, GraphQL as well as RabbitMQ.

Combine and Create Icon

Combine and create

The combined capabilities of managed and open-source services power a wide range of applications. From media use-cases such as video platforms, content management, protection, and monetization to on-board entertainment, connectivity, and much more.

Powered by

Our modern approach is supported by our technology choice.



Scalable and fast services that can handle simultaneous requests and connections.



Allows for quick and productive development with simplified debug capability.



Query and fetch content from multiple services, sources with fewer API calls.



Connect and communicate asynchro­no­usly between services with minimum system load.



Composing complex service UIs through an efficient and flexible JS library.



Service frontends that are developed and deployed independently.



Fully decoupled services that allow API-first approach and effective scalability.



Extensive library of UI components that enable development and testing of service interfaces on the fly.

Unique features
Fast development Icon

Faster development

Progress to an agile and collaborative approach using microservices and micro-frontends, saving efforts in development, operations, and maintenance.

Open-source tailored services Icon

Open-source services

Build white-label services or shape our open-source services to fit your needs. We provide you the source code and base template you need.

Editorial focus

Editorial focus

The platform follows a micro-frontends approach that provides a standard management UX throughout all services. This approach elevates the editor experience.

Designed for integrations Icon

Integration-first design

Integrate swiftly with own or third-party systems, services, or applications through an API-first approach, while serving multiple platforms and devices.

How it works
Axinom Mosaic Architecture

Chat with an expert to see how it works.

Related Resources

Become a partner

The Axinom Partner Program invites companies and developers from the media, aerospace, and mobility industries to create unparalleled digital supply chains using the Mosaic platform.

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